
Ensuring Life, Health and Prosperity for Future Generations


High-risk chemicals like DDT are being used all over the world. Here in the United States both past and present use of DDT-like pesticides have produced devastating consequences. From Alaska to New Orleans, DDT has wreaked havoc in communities, and adversely affected the health of thousands of people.

The linkages between income, health, industry, government, and toxic pollutants are easily observed in urban areas. A recently released study points to the effects of pollution on lower-income areas in West Oakland; as well, toxic aerial spraying is set to continue in communities in California.

Effects of Pollution in Oakland, California

“Children living in West Oakland can expect to be robbed of 10 years of life due in part to the pollution generated by the port and companies that use the port,” said Dr. Anthony Iton, director of the Alameda County Public Health Department. “That is a tragedy. It is an ongoing crisis of health.

Bay Area “Stop the Spray” Campaign

[Update: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has halted the scheduled spraying, after a judge ruled in a similar case that an environmental assessment must first be carried out.]

“The pesticide to be sprayed (called “Checkmate”) has never before been approved for application over populated areas, and has never been tested for long-term human toxicity. In addition to the active ingredient (a synthetic pheromone designed to disrupt the moth’s reproduction), Checkmate contains other chemical compounds listed as “inactive” ingredients — the exact composition of which are undisclosed due to the “trade secrets” privilege.

Similar spraying was done in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties this past fall, after which more than 600 residents complained of respiratory problems. Better alternatives exist for controlling the light brown apple moth, such as sticky traps baited with these same pheromones.”

Stop the Spray

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